Micro Dungeons Dragons Edition II


Micro Dungeons Dragons Edition II contains five new dungeons with dragons as the main bosses. This time, the dungeons range from level 1 to level 20, presenting different dragons from the Bestiarium: Scales & Decay monster book (statblocks included).

Dungeons in this volume:

  • Beyond the Liminal Luminosity (Level 1)
  • The Dancing Arsenal (Level 5)
  • They come from the sea (Level 10)
  • Hotter than Blood (Level 15)
  • Eclipse at the Solar Mother’s Temple (Level 20)

Each Micro Dungeon includes:

  • The Map. The base of every Micro Dungeon is the dungeon map. These maps are made of 10x10 ft. squares, by the way.
  • An introduction. The short introduction is just so you have an idea of what the dungeon is about, but you can adapt and insert it into your own adventure as you wish.
  • Encounters. Every room in the dungeon has traps, encounters, treasures or other stuff, and it's all described in one page.
  • New Monsters. Every dungeon includes at least one new monster. At the end of the document there is an appendix with all the stat blocks for the new monsters.
  • Monster reference cards. It also includes a separate PDF file with the reference cards for the included monsters, so you can run your games more smoothly.